So everyone knows about the dangers of changing a newborn boy's diaper without using some sort of shield. It took a few unanticipated sprays to get the gist, but I think I've mastered this aspect of diaper changing. What I can't quite seem to figure out is the magic behind Cade's newest trick. It goes a little something like this: Mommy puts baby down on changing table, undresses baby, removes dirty diaper, wipes clean, puts on fresh diaper, redresses baby, picks baby up and VOILA!...a magic wet spot has appeared in the middle of Cade's back! WHERE DID THIS COME FROM? At first I thought it must have been there before I put him down for a changing, but I made sure to check out this possibility before the next change. Laid him down with a dry back, picked him up with a wet circle in the middle of his back. Then I thought that perhaps he was peeing while I was changing him (still a likely possibility), but I kept a very watchful eye for the next couple of changes and saw NOTHING! So bizarre! Just call him Cade Copperfield.
In other news, poor Cade's mouth broke out with thrush. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that his tongue was turning white. Silly me thought it was milk. Really Jessica? MILK? Since when does milk stain one's tongue? I felt awful once we finally did go to the doctor who diagnosed it as thrush. In my defense, I called an after hours clinic the weekend before, explained the symptoms and the "doctor" dismissed it as nothing to be concerned about. One of many balls I will drop I'm sure! Cade's sweet face also broke out with terrible baby acne. Poor guy was looking a little rough this week! I'm happy to report that his mouth and face are now all cleared up. If only we could figure out how Cade got rid of a face full of acne in less than 7 days we'd be rich! I guess we'll chalk it up to the magic...
We are busy getting ready for Christmas and I think we're just about there! We are very excited for Todd's family to arrive this weekend. Cade is continuing to grow and change at an alarming rate. He's already outgrown his newborn wardrobe. Is it normal that I feel a little sad about this? While I am very excited about watching him develop, I'm already nostalgic about our first month together. He will be one month old in five days. I can't believe it! Thank you for the most memorable month of my life Baby Cade. You are so loved!