This morning we met my friend Rachel from work at Sims Lake Park to have family pictures taken. The park was gorgeous and it was the most beautiful fall day. Cade did pretty well, he wasn't his usual smiley self, but he didn't cry either. Considering he missed his morning nap, it wasn't too bad!
There were lots of dogs around while we were taking pictures and Cade would kick his legs and say "da" each time we passed one. The first time I thought it was a fluke, but he did it a few times in a row. Later in the day Cade and I went to another park to play and sure enough, he got all excited and said, "da!" when he saw a dog. An old man brought his dog over to us so Cade could pet him. It was very cute! And tonight while we were reading we came to a page with dogs on it and he smiled and said "da" again. Is he trying to say dog??? I never thought I would be so confused about Cade's first few words. I really can't tell if he's saying words or not. I guess I always thought that a baby's first words sounded more like the real thing, but maybe that's not always true. I sure hope he isn't too disappointed when he asks what his first word was and I have to tell him that I'm not really sure! :) I'm putting my money on daddy, followed by mama, then dog.