Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas 2012

Todd's family came down for Christmas and we were happy to have them here for the holidays!Mostly we ate and lounged around. 

Cade is still a little too young to really understand what was going on on Christmas morning, but I think he had fun anyway!  He didn't really get into opening presents, but he enjoyed playing with his new toys.  He got a wagon, a basketball hoop, clothes, and lots of other fun toys.  We had a great Christmas!  I can't wait until next year when he's able to get into it a little more.

Ready for Santa!

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Getting some help from Uncle Taylor.


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

First Steps

We're getting closer and closer to walking!  I was sitting on the ottoman folding clothes when all of a sudden, Cade turned and walked from a play table to his toy box.  I was in the middle of cheering (and awe) when he turned and went back the other way!  He'll walk while holding onto one of your hands and this morning he took a few more steps all on his own.  We're not officially walking yet, but we're getting close!  It's so exciting! 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cade Visits Santa

Today we went to see Santa!  It was cold and rainy this morning, but we ventured out anyway.  I figured the yucky weather might deter everyone else from coming out and I was right!  We waited less than 20 minutes.  We went to the Santa at Bass Pro Shop and he was the most amazing Santa I've ever seen!  If I didn't know better I'd think he was the real thing!  They had a section of the store (which is a true outdoorsman's paradise...I've never been there although it's less than a mile away) set up like Santa's Wonderland - complete with a train table and carousel.  Cade LOVED the carousel!  He was giggling and squealing as we went around and around.  I think we've found our Santa!  Cade was a tad hesitant - he didn't cry, but he didn't smile either.  We'll take it!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Party Animal

Last night we went to Cade's first Christmas party!  Ms. Debbie threw a party for all of her babies at a little pizza place by her house and it turned out that Santa was on the guest list.  I was interested to see how Cade would react to him (we plan to visit the "real" Santa later this week so it was the perfect trial run).  Surprisingly, he cried and did not want to sit on his lap AT ALL.  Sooooo....Todd sat on his lap instead!  It was quite a sight!  Ms. Debbie had presents for all of the kids and sent us home with tons of cute pictures, crafts she made with the Cade, and yummy baked goodies.  She totally spoiled us!

Aw's sideways.  :(

Over the weekend we went to a birthday party for our neighbor Alex who was turning 3.  It was at Hippo Hop which is an indoor bouncy place.  Cade LOVED it!  He was all over the place and he had so much fun in the bouncy houses!  It was exciting to see him interact with the other kids.  Ms. Debbie always talks about how much energy he has and we definitely saw that in action!

My class party was yesterday and my class gave me the cutest gift ever!  It was a cute little book called A Year of Date Nights.  There was a page for each month and on each page there was a gift card for us to use on a date.  At the end of the book there was an envelope full of money labeled "babysitter money".  So cute!  I'm putting in the blog so I'll remember it...and mostly so I can steal this idea and use it for someone else!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Water Jug Walker

Cade is getting closer and closer to walking.  He recently discovered that an empty water jug serves as the perfect walker!  He pushes it all around the house and I think he loves his upright mobility.  What he loves even more is being able to get into things that he couldn't previously get to without a lot more laundry, door bells, and of course...toilet paper!  We're patiently awaiting those first unassisted steps!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

First Haircut

Cade got his first haircut last night!  The back of his hair was starting to get a little, well A LOT crazy so we had to have it trimmed a bit.  I was a little nervous about having it cut, but it looks great and I'm so glad we did!  Todd took him to his barber and said that he did a great job! 


Post-cut (it looks a little shorter here than it really is.  I think it was still a little wet). 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

1 Year Old

Sweet Cade, you are 1 year old!  I can't decide if it seems like just yesterday or if it seems like a lifetime ago that you were our tiny newborn baby.  The changes you have gone through and the incredible ways in which you have grown over the last 12 months are truly amazing.  I've said it before, but watching you grow and learn is undoubtedly life's greatest gift.  We are so proud to be your parents and we love you SOOOOOOOO much!  Here are your 12 month stats:
  • You weigh 21lbs, 4oz (25th %tile).  The doctor was a little concerned about your weight at this check-up.  Your appetite is great and you eat A LOT!  We can't figure out why you're not gaining very much weight.  She suggested that we see an allergist and a gastro. doctor to see why you keep hurling - though you don't do it quite as often anymore.  Don't worry, you don't look skinny!  You look absolutely perfect.
  • You are 30.75 inches tall (78th %tile) and your head is 19.25 inches (97th %tile). 
  • You wear size 18 month clothing, size 5 shoe, and size 4 diapers.
  • You have 7 teeth (three on bottom, 4 on top).
  • You will stay on formula for a while to help you gain weight.  Right now you have four 5oz. - 6oz.  bottles a day.
  • You love to eat and will eat just about anything.  You really like meats (chicken, turkey) and yogurt.  You cry when all the yogurt is gone.  It's hard not to laugh.  :) 
  • You're smart and you are learning how to talk!  You say the beginning sounds of a few words (bubble, dog, ball, bye-bye).  You say PU for up.  It's very cute!  You understand and follow a lot of words/directions like give kisses, give that to mommy, play ball, arms up, say bye-bye to paci, turn the lights on/off, stand up, no. 
  • You are pulling up on everything and you cruise along furniture.  You walk pushing a walker.  We're anxiously awaiting your first steps. 
  • You still love to explore and play with your toys, but you are wanting to be around us more and more. 
  • You're becoming somewhat attached to "snuggle bear".  You don't cry for him, but you get really happy when we give him to you.  You sleep with him now.  Every time you pick him up you hold him against your cheek.  You've started to put your head down on soft blankets and stuffed animals and "love" them. 
  • You give the best hugs in the whole wide world!  You wrap your arms around our necks and squeeze tight. 
  • You are still a very happy, social, easy to please baby (for the most part) but you can get pretty fussy when you don't get what you want.  :) 
Thanks for a great year sweet Cade!  You are so loved!

Monday, November 26, 2012


We’ve had lots to celebrate over the past few days...Thanksgiving and Cade's first birthday!  GJ and Randall Pop came down to celebrate and we were so thankful to have family around.  We spent Thanksgiving cooking, eating, and watching football.  We had lots of yummy food and I was sure to eat extra to make up for last year! 

Ali and Sandy came over to celebrate Cade's birthday with us.  It was a small, sweet get together.  We had pizza and cupcakes, opened presents, and watched Cade get his first taste of cake - quickly followed by Cade throwing up his first taste of cake.  Poor baby!  GJ and Randall Pop brought TONS of toys and super cute clothes for Cade's birthday and for Christmas and Grandma Vicki and Grandaddy sent Cade an awesome toy box to store everything in.  Thank you grandparents!   I'll check back in with birthday news!


Saturday, November 10, 2012


This morning we met my friend Rachel from work at Sims Lake Park to have family pictures taken.  The park was gorgeous and it was the most beautiful fall day.  Cade did pretty well, he wasn't his usual smiley self, but he didn't cry either.  Considering he missed his morning nap, it wasn't too bad! 

There were lots of dogs around while we were taking pictures and Cade would kick his legs and say "da" each time we passed one.  The first time I thought it was a fluke, but he did it a few times in a row.  Later in the day Cade and I went to another park to play and sure enough, he got all excited and said, "da!" when he saw a dog.  An old man brought his dog over to us so Cade could pet him.  It was very cute!  And tonight while we were reading we came to a page with dogs on it and he smiled and said "da" again.  Is he trying to say dog???  I never thought I would be so confused about Cade's first few words.  I really can't tell if he's saying words or not.  I guess I always thought that a baby's first words sounded more like the real thing, but maybe that's not always true.  I sure hope he isn't too disappointed when he asks what his first word was and I have to tell him that I'm not really sure!  :)  I'm putting my money on daddy, followed by mama, then dog.

Monday, November 5, 2012

I Love Surprises!

After graduating from college I spent a few months in Nantucket with some friends.  While we were there, we discovered a yummy beer called Whale's Tail Pale Ale.  I've always talked about it to Todd, but I've never been able to find it around here.  I even tried to order it online a few years ago and found out it was only sold in Nantucket.  Imagine my surprise when Todd pulled out a bottle when he got home from work today!  So sweet!  It turns out they now sell it all the way down here in GA! 

Today a friend from work brought me all of these board books for Cade.  I absolutely love kids' books so I was thrilled to receive these!  We added a few to Cade's bookshelf and we'll stash away the others for now.  I was super excited about all of the Christmas books we got!

When I got home from work last Friday I had a special delivery from my mom on the front porch.  It was an edible arrangement with congratulations balloons (for finishing up my masters).  I've never gotten one of these before and it was delicious!  Thanks Mom!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

It's your first Halloween, Cade!  It's a Wednesday so you spent the day with Ms. Debbie.  I picked you up a little early and then we came home to have an early dinner and get you in your costume.  You dressed up as a tiger and you were super cute!  The costume didn't seem to bother you at all and it was perfect for the cool, fall weather we had tonight.  We went to Ali, Austin, and Olivia's for trick or treating and pizza.  We are thankful to have great friends to spend your first Halloween with!  Earlier this week GJ sent you a sweet card and The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown (the book).  Thanks GJ!  Wish you could have been here with us!

Happy Halloween!



Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Spaghetti Face

Dinner got a little messy tonight!  I love that Cade loves to eat.  I sure hope that sticks!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

11 Months Old!

Sweet Baby Cade, you are 11 months old!  You are truly SO MUCH FUN these days and oh so active!  Here's a little more about you at 11 months:
  • You weight 21lbs., 4 oz. (according to our bathroom scale).
  • You wear size 12 month and some 18 month clothing with size 5 shoe.
  • You wear size 3 diapers during the day and 4 at night.
  • You are a great sleeper!  You go to bed at 7:45 and wake up around 6:15 during the week, but you'll sleep until 8 or so on the weekends. You take two naps a day (one at 9 and one at 1:30) for about an hour to an hour and a half each. 
  • You eat 3 meals a day with a snack between lunch and dinner.  You also drink 5 bottles a day.
  • You love to eat and you will eat just about everything we give you.  The only thing you don't really seem to care for are peas. 
  • You LOVE your bottles (which is a little worrisome considering this is your last month for them)!  When you see one, you whine until we give it to you. 
  • You pull up on anything and everything possible and you've started to cruise a bit. 
  • You are a very busy little man - into everything, slithering all over the house, grabbing anything within your reach, banging things together, throwing things, ripping things, it makes me tired just thinking about it! 
  • You don't really seem to have a favorite toy at the moment, but you become attached to various things while you're playing and want to hold on to them for a while.  Last night it was a marker, you held on to it for like 20 minutes while you pulled up on things and played with toys. 
  • You love to drop/throw things and then go after them.  When you're standing at the coffee table you like to drop all of the coasters and then pick them back up and do it again.  When I'm holding you you like to grab something, throw it, and have me lean you over so you can pick it up, only to throw it back down within seconds.  In the bathtub you like to throw your toys out and then attempt to go look for them. 
  • You are very chatty!  I'm not convinced that you know any actual words, but sometimes you do seem to be attempting to say things.  You still say Daddy, but don't seem to understand what it means.  Today you were holding a phone to your ear and saying "Ha".  ???? 
  • I think you might know the sign for "all done".  Towards the end of a meal you throw your arms up and move them up and down...I can't figure out if you're giving me the sign or just playing. 
  • You're still a very happy, easy-going little guy that we love more and more each day!