Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

It's your first Halloween, Cade!  It's a Wednesday so you spent the day with Ms. Debbie.  I picked you up a little early and then we came home to have an early dinner and get you in your costume.  You dressed up as a tiger and you were super cute!  The costume didn't seem to bother you at all and it was perfect for the cool, fall weather we had tonight.  We went to Ali, Austin, and Olivia's for trick or treating and pizza.  We are thankful to have great friends to spend your first Halloween with!  Earlier this week GJ sent you a sweet card and The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown (the book).  Thanks GJ!  Wish you could have been here with us!

Happy Halloween!



Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Spaghetti Face

Dinner got a little messy tonight!  I love that Cade loves to eat.  I sure hope that sticks!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

11 Months Old!

Sweet Baby Cade, you are 11 months old!  You are truly SO MUCH FUN these days and oh so active!  Here's a little more about you at 11 months:
  • You weight 21lbs., 4 oz. (according to our bathroom scale).
  • You wear size 12 month and some 18 month clothing with size 5 shoe.
  • You wear size 3 diapers during the day and 4 at night.
  • You are a great sleeper!  You go to bed at 7:45 and wake up around 6:15 during the week, but you'll sleep until 8 or so on the weekends. You take two naps a day (one at 9 and one at 1:30) for about an hour to an hour and a half each. 
  • You eat 3 meals a day with a snack between lunch and dinner.  You also drink 5 bottles a day.
  • You love to eat and you will eat just about everything we give you.  The only thing you don't really seem to care for are peas. 
  • You LOVE your bottles (which is a little worrisome considering this is your last month for them)!  When you see one, you whine until we give it to you. 
  • You pull up on anything and everything possible and you've started to cruise a bit. 
  • You are a very busy little man - into everything, slithering all over the house, grabbing anything within your reach, banging things together, throwing things, ripping things, it makes me tired just thinking about it! 
  • You don't really seem to have a favorite toy at the moment, but you become attached to various things while you're playing and want to hold on to them for a while.  Last night it was a marker, you held on to it for like 20 minutes while you pulled up on things and played with toys. 
  • You love to drop/throw things and then go after them.  When you're standing at the coffee table you like to drop all of the coasters and then pick them back up and do it again.  When I'm holding you you like to grab something, throw it, and have me lean you over so you can pick it up, only to throw it back down within seconds.  In the bathtub you like to throw your toys out and then attempt to go look for them. 
  • You are very chatty!  I'm not convinced that you know any actual words, but sometimes you do seem to be attempting to say things.  You still say Daddy, but don't seem to understand what it means.  Today you were holding a phone to your ear and saying "Ha".  ???? 
  • I think you might know the sign for "all done".  Towards the end of a meal you throw your arms up and move them up and down...I can't figure out if you're giving me the sign or just playing. 
  • You're still a very happy, easy-going little guy that we love more and more each day! 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

...And Breathe!

This weekend I turned in my very last assignment for my master's program.  I'm officially done!  One thing that kept me going was imagining how great it would feel once I was finished.  It's a pretty awesome feeling, no doubt.  I remember when I first started the program.  I was very pregnant and I was working so hard to get everything turned in early for my first class and trying to finish up my maternity plans because I knew Baby Cade would be born around the last week of the course.  I remember the other teachers in my class telling me how brave I was to enroll in the program with a new baby on the way.  They were right; I had no idea what I was getting myself into.  It was definitely hard work...teaching all day, being a mommy after work, and working on projects and papers almost every night after Cade went to bed.  Whew, I can finally breathe!  All the hard work was totally worth it though.  I'm sure I'll be even more convinced of that once we get a little extra money in our pockets!  I'm looking forward to having some extra time to devote to being a better wife, mommy, and teacher. 

Also in weekend news, Cade had his first pancake breakfast!  Yes, GJ, I'm starting him young.  :)  Don't worry though, we'll be holding off on syrup for a while. 

More, please?

Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Clothes, Pumpkin Patchin', and....Daddy!

Whew, what a day!  This morning I went to a big consignment sale in Conyers with Ali and we totally racked up!  I love buying clothes for Cade!  Afterwards, we took Cade to the pumpkin patch.  He rolled around in the hay and had fun exploring the pumpkins and Halloween decorations.  Then we did a little shopping and met Ali, Austin, and Olivia out for dinner.  And the sweetest moment of the whole day, Cade starting saying daddy!  I've heard him say what I thought was mama in the past, but he wouldn't say it more than a couple of times and would never repeat it after I said it so I'm not sure that counts.  Tonight, though, Cade said daddy all night!  He repeated it each time I said it which is the first time he's done that with a word.  When we got home I kept holding things up to him, saying the names of them, and expecting him to repeat after me like we'd had some kind of Helen Keller-understands-water breakthrough moment or something.  I'm sure it won't be too much longer before we hear all kinds of words and I truly can't wait! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Want Some?

Lately Cade has been into handing things to me.  It started with "playing ball".  I would roll the ball to him and he would hand it back to me.  Now he hands me toys while he's playing, then immediately wants them back.  Tonight he decided to share his dinner with me.  He held out his little sweet potato covered hand with a green bean between his thumb and pointer finger.  I took it, of course, though before tonight I always found it a little gross when parents would eat mashed up, half-eaten food from their babies, but I couldn't leave him hanging, right?  He "fed" me a few more times throughout dinner time tonight.  His menu has changed quite a bit over the past couple of weeks.  He's moved into eating all finger foods (for the most part) and feeds himself wonderfully!