Friday, February 15, 2013

And We're Back!

I took an unintentional very long break from the blog.  Well, I can't say it was all unintentional.  I gave myself a break from it for a couple of weeks and it ended up lasting for much longer than I expected!  But, we're back!

First things first...Happy New Year!

The new year has brought with it many exciting happenings!  Cade is officially a walker!  I love, love, love that he can walk and get places all on his own!  He is an incredibly active baby and never stops moving - ever.  I don't mind, it's kind of a relief not to have to carry him everywhere and it's so fun to watch him toddle around.  He's also talking up a storm these days.  He says about 20 words, though he doesn't really pronounce any of them properly (ha for hat, daw for dog, etc.).  All of this new independence is so exciting for all of us!

We've been to a couple of birthday parties and had a couple of sick days.  We've been to the dentist and to the allergist.  They tested Cade for all major allergens and we are happy to report he has none!  Yay! 
Cade at Sky Zone!  He loved jumping on the huge trampolines!
Sick Day  :(
Dentist - Cade did AWESOME and the dentist office was AMAZING!  A total heaven for games built into the walls, indoor playhouse, toys and movies playing everywhere.  I didn't know dentist offices like that existed!
And yesterday we celebrated Valentine's Day!  Cade's Valentines included a car ramp, fun stickers from GJ (which he loved putting on his shirt and all over Daddy), and a few treats from his friends at Ms. Debbie's.

Today was day 1 of a 4 day weekend (YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY) and Cade and I went to the park. 
I'll try not to stay away so long this time, but I'm not making any promises!