You are 18 months old! Officially a big boy...says the doctor's office this morning. :) I feel like I could copy and paste this from every other stats post, but you are at such a fun stage right now! In a book I've been reading it describes an 18 month old as the bull in a china shop stage...and that pretty much sums you up. You are FULL of energy - you are into everything and exploring your world like never before...climbing, throwing, opening, slamming, banging, turning on faucets, flushing toilets, pulling, pushing, rolling...repeat. It's exhausing to say the least, but oh so worth the work out! You are the true light of our lives and we love you more than we can find words to explain. Here's a little more about you at 18 months:
- You weigh 24lbs (23%tile), you are 33.5 inches tall (81%tile), and your head circumference is 19.5 (90%tile). You've stopped all the throwing up you used to do. Maybe that helped you jump a few percentile points in weight!
- You eat three meals and have one official snack a day...though you snack throughout the day if you're at home with us. You visit the pantry numerous times a day and say "nack". You are hard to say no to! You eat so well that we usually give you a "nack" when you ask for one. Like I said, you eat very well...a true blessing! Your favorites include: chicken, cheese, pasta, mandarin oranges, peaches, and black beans. You tolerate most other foods, but certainly don't love the veggies.
- You are a champion sleeper...another true blessing! You go to bed around 7:45 - 8. You wake up around 6:30 when we have to work and around 7:30 - 8:00 when we don't. You nap from 1 - 3. You will even sometimes tell us when you're ready for a nap. You'll say, "nap, nap" and fake yawn. You never fuss when we put you in the bed and usually sleep through the night without much more than a couple whines (KNOCK ON WOOD).
- You are still a happy baby. You smile and laugh when things are funny..and sometimes even when they're not! You also love to make us laugh. You say hi to strangers in public. I see stranger danger lessons in our future!
- You love books and recently you've started pretending you're reading. You flip the pages and speak in your secret Cade language as if you're reading the words on the pages. I LOVE it!
- You say around 60-70 words or so I think. I stopped keeping track around 50. Your only two word phrase so far is "all done". Your receptive language is incredible! You understand everything we say and follow directions very well...for the most part. ;)
- You love, love, love to help out around the house. Your favorite thing is to "kean" (clean). You love to wipe things down with baby wipes. You like to pull out the broom and dustpan and sweep the kitchen. You also pick things up off the floor and throw them in the "thash" (trash) and to help mommy cook.
- Although you are very well behaved most of the time, you definitely have your share of tantrums! You will melt down if you want something and we won't give it to you - screaming, crying, stiffening...we've even seen a few lay on the floor and kick your legs episodes!
- You like to be outside. You go to the door in the mornings, try to open the door and say, "outshi" (outside).
- You are smart, handsome, funny, and overwhelmingly adorable. We are so proud to be your parents!