Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

We had a wonderful Christmas!  Todd's family was here to celebrate with us.  This year was extra special because Cade understood a lot more and I can tell that the magic of Christmas is starting to unfold for him.  We had fun making cookies for Santa, sprinkling reindeer food outside, being with family, and of course...opening presents!  He was so excited to see what Santa brought for him and had fun tearing into his wrapped gifts.  Luke spent most of his first Christmas being showered with love and attention - every baby's two favorite things!  There are few things in life more precious than experiencing Christmas with your babies! 



Sunday, December 1, 2013

3 Months Old

Little Lukey, you are 3 months old!   I'm certain that you keep getting sweeter and sweeter by the day! This isn't a check-up month for you so we don't have your official weight and height, but here are some other fun facts about you at 3 months:

  • You wear size 3 diapers and size 6 months clothes.
  • You eat every 3 hours (about 4-5 ounces a feeding).
  • You have started to wake up more frequently at night to eat - you have been sleeping in about 4 hour stretches.
  • You are a very happy baby and you smile all the time! You have started laughing and it is so sweet.
  • You are a very, very easy baby to take care of. You don't cry very often - only when you get too sleepy or too hungry...and sometimes when we first put you in your car seat. You get a little fussy throughout the day, but rarely do you break out in a full blown crying fit.
  • When you do put on a frown, you stick your bottom lip out sooo far. :) It's truly one of the cutest things I've ever seen.
  • You are learning how to use your arms and hands. You grab onto things and bring them to your mouth. You also reach out to swat and touch things.
  • You like to coo and you do so very loudly! :) You are especially smiley and talkative in the mornings.
  • You love to watch Cade. No one makes you laugh like he does! :)

We love you sweet Lukey!