Sunday, January 26, 2014

5 Months Old

Little Lukey,
You are 5 months old!  Your little personality is beginning to surface and we're starting to get a peek into the kind of kid you might be.  For the most part, you're laid back and happy most of the time.  You get a little fussy when you are hungry, gassy, or tired but you're pretty content otherwise.  Here's a little more about you...
  • I'm not sure of your exact weight, but if I had to guess I'd say you're around 18lbs or so.  You are growing so, so fast and you are so, so big!  Your little thighs are chuuuunkyyy and I love it!
  • You wear size 3 diapers and size 9 month clothing in most things - though you're starting to outgrow that size.  I feel like I can't keep you in clothing for more than a couple of weeks.  Your daddy cut the toes out of a couple pairs of pajamas earlier this week, haha!
  • You are sleeping a little better!  Yay!  You go to bed around 7:45 - 8, wake up around 2 or 3AM to eat and then go back to sleep until 6:15 or so.  You are nursing about 4 times a day and get four 4-4.5 oz bottles of breastmilk a day. 
  • You began eating rice cereal about 10 days ago.  We started giving you a bottle of breast milk mixed with a tablespoon of rice cereal in addition to your before-bed nursing session to make sure your tummy is full and it has worked wonders!
  • Your first little tooth is poking through!  It's your bottom right tooth (when looking at you). 
  • You're starting to sit up on your own.  You're not quite so independent with it yet, but you can definitely hold yourself up (in a lean over on your hands kind of way) for a couple of minutes. 
  • You still love to be held and to watch Cade play.  No one makes you smile and squeal like Cade!  You have gotten back into sucking your fingers and playing with your feet and you love to reach for and hold toys.
  • You have the most kissable cheeks and thighs! 
We love, love, love you!!!


Thursday, January 2, 2014

4 Months Old

Sweet Lukey,

You are 4 months old and getting sweeter and sweeter by the day!  Here's a little more about you at 4 months:

  • You weigh 16lbs, 15.5oz - 80%tile.
  • You are 26 inches long - 79%tile.
  • Your head circumference is 17.25 cm - 82%tile.
  • You wear size 9 month clothing and size 3 diapers.
  • You are a very happy baby and you smile a lot, but you have your share of fussy days too. You're starting to get mini dimples that are super cute! 
  • You like to suck on your fingers and you grab anything within your reach and put it in your mouth.  You've starting pulling Mommy's hair - hard! 
  • You love to be talked to, to be held, to watch Cade run around and play, your glow worm, playing in your exersaucer, and getting baths. 
  • You talk very loudly when you first wake up for about 15 minutes and you're a little quieter for the rest of the day, but you coo to us a lot.
  • You eat every 2.5-3 hours during the day and we've gotten somewhat back on track at night - you wake every 4-5 hours.  You moved into your crib (from your basinet) this month.  Go Luke!
  • You have crazy, crazy hair - long, dark and curly, especially around the crown of your head, and your love to pull it and play with it. 

We love you so very much!

You were really into grabbing your feet for about a week or so...