Friday, February 21, 2014

Growing and Changing

Lukey and Cade are doing what they do best...growing and changing!  This week Luke started eating real baby food!  He has been eating rice cereal and oatmeal for about 3 weeks or so and this week we added sweet potatoes and carrots to his menu.  He doesn't seem picky at all and has eagerly accepted  everything we've offered him.  He even cries sometimes if we don't get the next spoonful up to his mouth fast enough!  :) 

Tonight Cade sang his ABCs to me all the way through all by himself!  Hearing his little singing voice was one of the sweetest things I've heard...maybe ever.  I'm glad it was dark in the room (he likes to sing before he goes to sleep) because I couldn't hold the tears back. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

To My Future Self...

Your life right now is hectic.  Nonstop.  Draining.  Exhausting.  You wake up at 5:15 and don't stop doing mommy or teacher stuff until 9:30 or 10.  You're up throughout the night to tend to one or both of the boys.  Work is stressful because you're never fully prepared - you get there late and leave early every day and the time you have to spend at home working has been cut drastically.  You're worrying yourself to death over... well, everything.  Why is Cade whining so much?  Am I spending enough time with Luke?  Am I working hard enough with Cade to make sure he's learning as much as he can?  Why is Luke's head tilting like that?  Am I doing everything I can to ensure that Cade and Luke grow up to be loving, happy, successful people?  Yada, yada, yada.  You feel like you are constantly doing SOMETHING yet NOTHING is getting done. Your 32 year old self will never forgive you if you ever take getting to sleep 8 hours straight or using the bathroom without an audience for granted. 

Your life right now is amazing.  Purposeful.  Fulfilling.  Perfect.  Each morning you are greeted with smiles from two of the most beautiful babies God has blessed this world with (not to mention one pretty handsome husband :)).  You always have someone to talk to and your days are filled with laughter.  Two little people adore you like no one ever has nor ever will.  Your family is happy and healthy.  Every single day you get to watch Cade and Luke do something they couldn't do the day before.  There are times when you are filled with so much adoration that you think your heart might just burst.  You have never laughed so often, smiled so big, or loved so hard. 

Parenthood is everything I thought it would be yet nothing like I anticipated.  It's harder, much harder; yet better, much better.