- The way that the second we open Cade's door every morning, he immediately jumps up with the BIGGEST smile on his face...I have no idea how ANYONE could be THAT happy at 6:15 in the morning, but I love, love, love that he is!
- The way that Luke stares into my eyes and tries to communicate with me. Sometimes the sounds get stuck in his little throat because he's trying so hard to get them out.
- The way that Cade climbs into our bed each morning and says, "I wanna watch a little TV."
- The way that Luke reaches up and strokes my face as he nurses. His little hand is so soft and smells so sweet.
- The way that Cade dances in his high chair when we tell him to chew his food well.
- The look on Cade's face when he roars (very loudly) like a dinosaur.
- The way that Luke squeals and kicks his legs when he gets really excited.
- The way that Cade says, "Don't go, I have something in my pocket...for you. It's a garbage truck." as I'm leaving his room some nights at bedtime. The garbage truck is imaginary, of course.
- Their smiles. They both smile all the time and it still melts my heart every time.
- Lukey's crazy hair. I thought Cade had crazy hair...until Lukey came along. It's long and curly, and I love it!
- Snuggle Bear. Cade, you will die of embarrassment about this when you get older, but sometimes you pretend to nurse Snuggle Bear. You put my Boppy pillow on your lap, pull up your shirt and hold Snuggle Bear to your tummy. :) You also put him in all of Luke's baby gear - his jumperoo, bouncy chair, swing, etc. You're going to make a great dad! But we'll leave the nursing to your future wife.
- Lukey's breath. There is no better scent in the world.
- Lukey's happiness. He is such a happy baby and smiles so easily. He gladly goes to anyone and is content in most situations.
- Cade's humor, wit, questions (this morning out of no where you asked..."Where do alligators live? What do they eat?", and your surprises (you will say the funniest, sweetest things at the most random times - like today, you were giving me a bit of a difficult time as we were shopping for new shoes for you, then out of no where you jumped into my lap and said, "Mommy, I love you!".)