Sweet, Sweet Lukey,
You are 8 months old! You are on the final lap of your first year of life and I just can't believe it. You have changed in so many ways this month, but one thing that hasn't changed is just how sugary sweet you are! I truly hope that never changes. I'm not kidding, sometimes I think I might seriously take a big bite out of you! You are such a happy, easy-going little guy. Here's a bit more about you this month:
- We haven't had your 8 month check up yet so I'm not sure of your weight and height just yet - we'll come back with that.
- You wear size 12 month clothing and we just bought your first box of size 4 diapers.
- You eat 3 times a day and nurse or take a bottle of breastmilk 6 times a day. You have one bottle of formula during the day as well.
- You eat well and so far you don't seem too picky. I hope that sticks! Your favorite foods are fruits, carrots, and sweet potatoes. We started giving you apple puffs a week or so ago to give you some practice with feeding yourself. More of the puffs go in your chair than in your mouth, but you're definitely getting better as the days go on!
- You still wake up once or twice throughout the night. Most often around 3:30 or so, but you have slept all the way through until 5:30 a couple of times so I'm REALLY hoping we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of night wakings!
- You have 4 teeth that are all of the way through (three on the bottom and one on top) and you have three more poking through on top. At one point this month you had all 4 front top teeth coming in at once...poor guy! So I guess we might say you have 7 teeth so far.
- You can get anywhere you want to go! The main way you travel is by scooting on your belly. You get yourself up on your hands and knees, but you don't go anywhere just yet - just rock back and forth.
- You are so active...I mean like so, so active. Giving you a bath and changing your clothes/diapers have become very difficult - you don't want to sit still long enough!
- You love...being in your walker, Cade, your doorway jumper, being on the floor exploring, drinking water, the Bubble Guppies theme song (you break your neck to see the TV when you hear the song come on...and you smile so big), when we talk and sing to you, playing airplane with Mommy.
- You don't love...when we lay you down to change your diaper or your clothes, when we take a toy or something you're playing with away from you, being hungry or tired.
- We love...your precious smile, how easy-going you are, to watch you play with Cade, your big curls, the way you kick your legs when you get excited, and hearing you talk.