Wednesday, January 21, 2015

You won't remember, but I will...

Not my words, but this resonated with me tonight...

You Won't Remember, But I Will

You won't remember the way I stood in the bathroom late that night in labor with you, fearfully and excitedly gazing up at the moon, knowing I was going to bring you into the world soon and whispering to you, "We can do this."
You won't remember the way you looked at me right after you were born, or the way I pulled you up next to my heart and marveled "Hi, baby" in your ear.
You won't remember the way you healed my broken spirit. The way you completed my heart. I was weak before I had you, and you made me whole again.
You won't remember the way I proudly watched you everywhere we went, you were always the most beautiful boy in the room to me.
You won't remember the way you made me laugh with all of the silly things you did. I saw how kind your heart was.
You won't remember the way I would brush the hair off of your forehead and the way you'd look up at me. Without any words, our souls could touch and say everything to each other that words couldn't.
You won't remember the tickle fests we had, and how I always cheated so I could hold you close and cover your salty little face in kisses.
You won't remember all the times I went to bed at night and felt such fear being your mother: Am I doing okay? Have I messed up too many times already? Can I be the kind of mother he needs?
You won't remember the way my heart broke and grew a little bigger each time you passed a milestone, watching the sand fall through the hourglass while feeling overjoyed witnessing you expand and grow.
You won't remember the way I would hold your little feet in my hands, imagining how much bigger than my own feet they will one day grow, and how I will have to let you go.
You won't remember, but I will... and I'll hold these memories in my heart for the both of us.

Friday, January 2, 2015

A Few of My Favorite Things, Vol. 2

A few things I hope to always remember...and because I have the world's worst memory, I thought I ought to write them down. :)

  • The way Lukey says "oooweee" when I tell him I'm going to change his stinky diaper. 
  • When Cade randomly tells us he loves us. 
  • Lukey's fits...when he gets upset he takes off walking/stomping through the house really fast.  It's hysterical!
  • The way Cade wakes up so happy.  He literally jumps out of bed with the cutest smile and will often say, "Mommy, I had a great night!" (whether he did or not).  As the complete opposite of a morning person, I SOOOO wish I woke up the same way!
  • How Luke rubs his eye with the back of his hand when he's feeling shy.
  • The way Cade says the name of his friend "Wyatt" at school.  He calls him "Quiet" and I laugh out loud every time. 
  • I'm in love with everything Luke says.  His language has developed so fast that sometimes I wonder if he's okay.  Last night he climbed up on the couch, turned on the TV (which I had no idea he knew how to do) and said, "That's better."  Seriously?  You're barely 16 months old!  We're in trouble!  He will chime in with the words he knows in a few songs and surprised me tonight by adding a few letters of the alphabet when I paused in the song.  I'm truly fascinated by everything that comes out of his mouth.
  • Cade's love of hats.  He picks one out from Todd's hat rack nearly every morning. 
  • I love the way that Luke can be wide awake at bedtime, but the second I start to sing "Hush Little Baby" to him he puts his head on my chest and begins to rub his eyes and yawn....Pavlov's dogs style.
  • The way Cade says "sumpin'" for something.
  • Luke's underbite.
  • Cade's love of school and his friends and teachers.  He's so very outgoing.  He yells hi and bye to Ms. "Nalita" (Lanita...hahahahahaha) and his other friends and teachers every day.  He sometimes does the same to complete strangers. 
  • Luke's love and admiration for Cade.  I just pray that those feelings reciprocate over the years! 
It's hard to imagine that these days that are so sweet and delicious to us will not even by remembered by C & L.  We love you both to pieces!

Merry Christmas

The magic of Christmas was alive in Cade this year!  This was really the first year that he seemed aware of most of what was going on around him.  We had lots of fun leading up to Christmas...we went to Stone Mountain Christmas, visited Santa, went shopping, baked...  Todd's family came down for Christmas again this year which added to our holiday fun!  When Cade woke up on Christmas morning he had a sad look on his face. When I asked what was wrong he said, "Aw man, Santa didn't come!"  I think he was expecting him to appear in his room.  I guess I never really explained the whole Santa thing very thoroughly.  Their favorite gifts are a play tent and a trash truck.  This Christmas, we were reminded of how immensely blessed we are.

Stone Mountain

I've discovered that the chance of getting them both to smile and look at the camera at the same time is next to impossible...

Looking for Santa...

Santa's Drop

Christmas morning

In their new favorite place...

Hammin' it up with Grandmother and Granddaddy...