Monday, August 29, 2016

3 Years Old!

My sweet, sweet Lukey Bear,

You are 3 years old!  Your birthday was last Monday and we had so much fun celebrating you!  You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your birthday and it's so fun to watch you bask in your day!  You woke up to streamers and balloons around your door then we had a special birthday breakfast (cinnamon rolls with sprinkles and a candle) and you opened your gift from Cade.  At school you wore a birthday crown and your class had popsicles in your honor.  :)  After school we had a special birthday dinner (hot dogs, your favorite!) and celebrated some more with cupcakes, balloons, and gifts!  I hope we made you feel like the most special birthday boy ever!  When you woke up the next morning, you immediately began crying.  When I asked you what was wrong, you said you were so sad because it wasn't your birthday anymore...sweet boy.  :)

Here's a little more about your 3 year old self!

  • You wear size 3T clothing and size 9 shoes.  
  • You are a decent sleeper - you still nap for about an hour and a half each day.  You're going through a rough patch with night-time sleeping and have been getting up at least once a night. Sometimes you say you're scared by yourself.  
  • Your favorite foods are hot dogs, cinnamon rolls, pancakes, vanilla yogurt, oranges, Nutri Grain bars, plain pasta with cheese, sausage, and anything sweet.  You have a mean sweet tooth and you are seriously picky!!  Getting you to eat is one of our biggest struggles. 
  • You are silly, independent, busy, crazy smart, adorable, and as of late...pretty fussy.  While you are happy and laughing/goofing off a lot of the time, you are also fussing/screaming/crying a lot of the time too.  I remember 3 being a difficult age for your brother, and so far it seems like you're following suit.  You scream and cry when you get frustrated or when you don't get your way.   Once we get over this hump I have a feeling you're going to be a pretty laid back little guy.
  • You have very selective hearing.  At times, you seem to hear EVERYTHING (you can hear a term or phrase one time - when we're not even talking to you - then turn around and use it in context).  Other times (usually when we ask you to do something you don't want to do) you act like you can't hear a thing!
  • You like to laugh and be silly with people - particularly Cade.  You have the cutest laugh I've ever heard!
  • Your favorite things include:  your giraffe bwankie, milk, playing tickle monster with Mommy, playing with cars, your Leap pad, and playing with Cade.  
  • You do NOT like:  having your teeth brushed, loud noises, or the dark.  
We love you Lukey Bear and we are so lucky to be your family!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

New School Year

The new school year is in full swing!  Cade is in the Cherry Tree Room for Pre-K this year with Ms. Braniff, Ms. Woodruff, and Ms. Wynn.  So far, we are super impressed with his teachers and he is loving his new adventure!  Lukey is in the Apple Tree Room with Ms. Tricia and Ms. Sabrina.  He also seems very happy in his new room.  I'm working 3/4 time this year - teaching 5th grade math (yikes!), Reading Recovery, and an EIP group.  I'm super busy and slightly overwhelmed with math, but I'm excited to try something new.  We look forward to what the new school year will bring!

Sweet Summertime

We've had an awesome, eventful summer!  We had a few highlights...moving, Amelia Island, GJs visit....and the rest of our days were filled with pool visits, play dates, morning outings, and lazy days around the house.  I'm sad that summer is over, but, looking back, we definitely made the most of our sweet summertime!

Stars and Strikes with Carrie, Daniel, and Caroline!  Here's our first attempt at Lazer Tag.  I think you guys will enjoy it more when you get a little older...  :) 

This was your favorite game/ride at Stars and Strikes!  You guys rode it about 10 times in a row!

Picnics by the pool...

Back yard water table fun

A summer staple...the Suwanee Fountains!  One of Lukey's favorite outings!

Picnics in the park

Play date with Cooper!

Evenings in the yard with Daddy...and freezy pops!

Bogan Aquatic fun!

Ice excavation!  One of your favorite things to do this summer!

Cade took swimming lessons at the end of the summer. He learned a lot and did really well!

GJ comes to town!

Neighborhood Food Truck Fest

Water balloon fights...also one of your summertime favorites!