My Sweet C-Baby,
You are five and a half! You are so very grown-up and have really matured a lot over the last few months. At times, you truly remind me of a 12 year old in a 5 year old's body (with 5 year old emotions, that is) :) Here's a little more about you at 5 1/2:
- You weight 42lbs and you're about 43 inches tall. You wear size 5T/5 clothes and size 12 shoes.
- You continue to be an amazing eater. At most meals, you eat like an adult. :) Your favorite foods include fruit (mostly blackberries, raspberries, mango, cherries...all fruit except apples and bananas), yogurt, PB&J, chips, wings, pita chips with cheese wedges and hummus, pasta. You are not a huge fan of sweets (you seriously turn down donuts...which makes me question whether you are truly my son) and prefer healthy foods. I secretly strive to eat more like you. You have an eerie ability to eat really spicy foods. You get that from your daddy.
- You are super determined and hardworking. When you put your mind to something, you will not let anything stop you from accomplishing it. For instance, you decided that you wanted some extra money to spend in Orlando and we came up with a plan for you to do extra chores around the house to earn the money. You asked me every single day for three weeks what you could do for me that day to earn money. You did every chore I asked you to do and never complained about it - not once! You earned an extra $20 which you used to purchase a Lego set and a stuffed Orca from Sea World. Now, you want a scooter and you are back to the grind earning money. Another example - one of your summer goals was to learn your student number (a 9 digit number you will use throughout school). I wrote it on a piece of paper for you and you studied that paper all day - not stopping until you had it memorized.
- You are still just as loud, rough, and boisterous as ever. You are seriously like one big muscle and would make one of the best little defensive football players there ever was - BUT, you are so rough and aggressive that I'm scared you might kill yourself or someone else! So we'll stick to flag football for now. :)
- You like to be the leader and in charge of everything - particularly with your peers. We are really working hard on being a graceful leader.
- You love to learn and, thankfully, learn new things with ease. You love to read and are currently reading at level E. You prefer nonfiction. You also love to write stories. Today you wrote one called Macy the Zebra about a zebra whose stripes keep changing shapes.
- You love to make people laugh - usually through some talk of poop...ugh. You also love music and you like to dance.
- You prefer to play with me or with Lukey and very rarely play by yourself.
- You value your friendships and talk about your friendships often. You ask me to set up "play dates" with your friends and talk about things you do with your friends and challenges you have with your friends (not being nice, etc.) because I think it really bothers you. You're pretty social, but new situations make you nervous (for instance, you started swim lessons today and you told me that you were nervous before we got there - but talked about how great it was afterward).
We could not be more proud of you Cade and we love you sooooooooooooooooooooo much!