Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Live in the Moment and Make it Beautiful

Last year was a great one...the highlights being Todd and I getting married and having our first child together, among many other exciting events.  We are truly blessed beyond measure.  If I had to make a  New Year's resolution for the two of us, it would be to live in the moment and enjoy every blessing.  Stop looking back, and look forward only long enough to set goals.  To spend most of our energy in the here and now.  My friend Priscilla writes a blog titled Live in the Moment and Make It Beautiful.  This becomes more of a struggle the busier our lives become.  Honestly, I'm not sure I've ever been too good at this.  I typically measure the success of my day by how many things I crossed off my to do list and then spend my nights making the next day's list in my head - sounds exhausting right? is.  I know this is not how I should be focusing my efforts each day - especially being at home with my sweet baby, but I just can't help it!  I have promised myself that I will get rid of my daily to do lists - starting tomorrow (mind you, I was supposed to start this today...and the day before that...and the day before that - hey, this sounds like my lose the baby weight plan) and let myself be okay with staying in my pajamas all day and simply BEING with Cade - without the distraction of those dang to do lists!  So in this moment, I am enjoying the peaceful sounds of Cade's slumber and thanking God that we have such a beautiful, healthy baby boy.  I am thanking Him for our warm home, our loving friends and family, a job that I love, and our health and I promise to make more of an effort to live in the moment...and to make each one beautiful.  Cheers to that and Happy New Year!  Speaking of beautiful moments...below are a few we caught during Cade's latest photo shoot.

Note the spit up....I think he was trying to tell us he'd had enough!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Aw, this made me cry Jess! You are so right...try to soak it up. I know it's hard to leave your lists. I struggle with that EVERY day, but having a baby makes you want to freeze time!
