Friday, May 25, 2012

6 Months Old

Today, Baby Cade, is your half-birthday!  You are an incredibly enjoyable little guy and we are so thankful for you and the joy you bring to our lives every single day.  Here is a little more about you at 6 months:

*Your 6 month check-up is next week so we’ll check back in with weight and length.
  • You wear size 9-12 month and 12 month clothing.
  • You wear size 3 diapers.
  • You eat 6-7 times a day with one feeding of rice cereal or oatmeal in the evening.
  • You go to bed around 7:45 and sleep for about 8-9 hours straight through, then back down for an hour or two. 
  • You are starting to sit up all on your own.
  • You’re still a very happy baby and smile at everyone!….showing no signs of any stranger anxiety as of yet. 
  • You’ve started fussing/crying when we take something away from you that you want - especially if you’re chewing a damp cloth and we take it away.  You’ve also become somewhat fussy in the car sometimes.
  • You are becoming increasingly curious about the world around you.  You reach out for EVERYTHING and whatever you grab goes straight in your mouth. 
  • Your favorite things include:  listening to Mommy sing, playing airplane, drinking water from your sippy cup or from a real cup - you hold your mouth open really wide any time I get a glass of water, sucking/chewing on a wet wash cloth (and to think we’ve spent money on real toys!), toys that light up, and you still love your activity gym or anything that you can reach out for.  You seem to really like baths also.  You scream and squeal waiting for the tub to fill up.  So precious! 
  • We’re still getting to know your personality, but you seem to be pretty independent.  You are content to play alone.  When I’m playing with you, you are a lot more interested in the toys around you than you are in interacting with me. 

We love you Cade!  Can’t wait to see what month 6 has in store!

You put your feet in your mouth whenever possible, making this photo shoot quite a feat!
Adding to the also kept shoving the sticker on your shirt in your mouth!  :)  At least I was able to snap a few cute pictures before it was all crumpled up. 

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