Sweet Cade, you are now 8 months old! You have changed so much this month and I must say, you keep getting better with age! Just when I think you can't get any cuter or more fun, you do! Watching you grow and change over the last month has been so fun. You've definitely gotten a little more difficult at times and you've entered what I'm reffering to as the Little Monster Stage (I say that with love, of course). Your sleeping and eating habits changed a lot this month which totally threw me for a loop. You went from being a great sleeper to a not-so-great sleeper in a matter of days. Same thing goes for eating. You used to eat anything, anytime and eat every bite of whatever we gave you. Now you will hardly eat a thing! You don't mind fruits so much, but you totally turn your nose up at most vegetables and flat out refuse oatmeal and rice cereal. You turn your head, arch your back and fake cry when we come at you with a spoonful of any of those things. It makes me laugh every time! You've also starting biting us...HARD! I'm currently sporting 4 bite marks in various places. You're still pulling hair with a vengeance too. Your not being mean, you just don't know any better...yet! ;) See why your new nickname is Little Monster? Here's a little more about you at 8 months:
- According to our bathroom scale, you weigh 21.4 lbs.
- You wear size three diapers and size 12 month or 18 month clothing (12 month is a little small, 18 a little big).
- You are still waking to nurse once during the night (around 3:45 a.m.).
- You eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner and also nurse or take a bottle at least 5 times a day. We've started giving you formula for a couple of feedings so I won't have to pump when I go back to work. You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to feed yourself! Your favorites are apple puffs and whole wheat toast with a fruit spread on top. You have great aim and rarely miss your mouth!
- You are still a very happy baby and you smile, laugh, and happy scream a lot.
- You roll and scoot around on your belly to get around.
- You still like to jump and you love to stand up (while holding onto someone or something).
- You are very curious and you notice very small details (the piece of hair amidst all of your toys, the tags on your toys, the stickers on your carseat, etc.).
- You are very vocal (most of the time) and you seem to love people. You make eye contact with strangers, like you're waiting for them to notice you so you can smile and relish the attention. :)
- When you don't like something, you will certainly let us know!
- Your favorite toy is anything that's not really meant to be a toy (TV remotes, cell phones, car keys, anything at all that you're not supposed to play with)
- It is clear that you are on a quest for independence which explains a lot of the little monsterish things you're doing. :)
- You've started giving hugs, well sort of. You will squeeze your arm around our necks and hold tight for a few seconds.
Just keeps gettin' cuter!
ReplyDeleteAnd he has the cutest hair!