Well Baby Cade, you've hit double digits. The big 1-0...months, that is! Your little personality is really starting to shine through and it's SOOO exciting to get a peek at what you might be like when you get a little older. If I had to guess what you’ll be like in a few years based on what I know about you now I'd say that you'll be a very happy, social kid full of curiosity and tenacity. You are smart, sweet, independent, and active. You really gave mom and dad a workout this past month - chasing you around all over the place! Here are your 10 month stats:
· You weight 22lbs (says the bathroom scale).
· You wear size 18 month clothing and size 5 shoes.
· You wear size 3 diapers.
· You have 6 teeth with the 7th coming in (four on top and 2 1/2 on the bottom).
· You go to bed around 7:30 and often sleep until we wake you up around 6:15 a.m. Sometimes you still wake up around 4:30 a.m. or so.
· You're eating better this month and have been eating pretty much anything we give you. You still LOVE to feed yourself. You eat three meals a day with a light snack between lunch and dinner. You have 4 bottles a day and nurse once in the morning.
· You are moving all over the place! Your newest mobility tricks include getting into a sitting position from your tummy, pulling up, standing while holding onto something, and climbing over obstacles (pillows, Mommy, etc.). While you are very active, you like to be carried around and don’t really fuss to “get down” as long as we’re standing up or walking.
· Your favorite "toys" aren't really toys. They include brushes, combs, keys, and boxes. When you find a toy you really like you carry it around everywhere with you as you slither around the house. You like to put things inside and on top of other things.
· You are starting to get the hang of "playing ball" (rolling it back to Mom and Dad when we roll it to you).
· You like to be where we are. You follow me from kitchen to living room while I’m cooking or from your room to the bathroom as I get your bath ready.
· Your understanding of spoken language seems to be growing by the second. While I'm sure you understand more than you respond to, you show understanding through physical response of the words up, say bye bye (you wave!), kisses, and no. You hand things to me when I ask for them (most of the time) and hold your mouth open when you see that I'm about to brush your teeth.
· You are super adorable and so very loved!
Showing off one of your new tricks. |