Friday marks 33 weeks of pregnancy. While this one hasn't been quite as smooth as my first, it could definitely be a lot worse. I was more nauseous in the beginning and I feel much more run down here near the end - but I think some of that has to do with chasing Cade around all day! Overall, I'm feeling good and the anticipation is building as we patiently wait for Baby Rogers number 2 to arrive mid-August. We are in the process of getting Cade's new room together and gathering our newborn supplies and I'm certain we'll be as ready as we can be very soon. I'm not sure that Cade understands what's going on, although he will point to my stomach and say, "baby". I just know he'll be the best big brother around! The countdown is on!
Yay! You look great! Can't wait to meet the newest Rogers!