Monday, September 30, 2013

Time Flies

Last weekend we roadtripped it to KY to attend Todd's 20 year high school reunion.
Aside from the occassional meltdown in the hotel room...

Cade and Luke both did a great job being away from home. We left the boys with grandma and granddaddy on Friday and Saturday nights so we could hang out with Todd's high school peeps and Cade had a BLAST! He was running around the house as if it were someplace he visits every weekend and they reported that he was on his very best behavior. And Luke did what Luke does best...slept. As much as we love our babies, it was SOOO nice to have some time to ourselves. Thank you grandma and granddaddy (and Betty)! Todd had fun catching up with his old classmates and it was fun to see what Todd was all about before I knew him (one of the nicest guys in the school someone commented). Haha!

Mr. and Ms. Caverna...20 years later.  Ha!
And another year passed for Todd. We celebrated his 38th birthday when we got home. Gettin' old T.O. double! ;) Time sure does fly!

Friday, September 27, 2013

1 Month Old

*Blogspot seems to be having some issues...the bullets aren't showing up as they should and it won't let me start new paragraphs...sorry for the cluttered entry! Sweet Little Luke, you are one month old! Your first month has gone by so quickly. We have loved getting to know you and you are the most perfect addition to our family. If we had to sum you in one word it would be SWEET! You are so stinkin' sweet! Here's a little more about you at one month: - You weigh 10lbs, 8.5 oz (63 %tile) - You are 22.25 inches long (66%tile) - Your head circumference is 15.25 (56%tile) - You wear size 3 months clothes and size 1 diapers - You eat every two hours. At night, you will give me at least one 3-4 hour stretch - usually between 11pm and 3am. - You are still sleeping a lot and you sleep best when someone is holding you. - You ball your little fists up next to your chin when you eat or suck your's so sweet. :) - You love to stretch and you make the same little stretchy faces that your brother used to make when he was your age. - You started smiling in response to our smiles a few days ago and nothing makes me melt more than a Lukey smile. - You are most laid back in the mornings. You get pretty fussy in the evenings, but I think that's normal. Lucky for mom and dad you're pretty consolable - even if it does require lots of bouncing, pacing, patting, and shushing. - You cry mostly because you're hungry or your tired and you can't get to sleep. - You like to spend most of your time in our arms. You're not a big fan of your swing, bouncy chair, or pack and play cradle. Maybe carrying you around all day will help mommy lose some of this baby weight! We love you Luke and we feel so blessed to be given the gift of raising you.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Music Man

Cade LOVES music! He likes to sing songs and he LOVES to dance! Anytime he hears music he boogies down. My favorite move of his is his spin move. In the car he rocks his head back and forth when he likes a song. It's super sweet to watch! Although I was not blessed with a singing voice, I have sung to him every day since he was born. We sing a lot in the car, during baths, while we're putting his pajamas on, and during bedtime. One day last week while singing the ABCs I stopped at a few points in the song and was taken aback to hear him fill in the blanks with the correct letters. Over the next few days I began to pause at various points in all of the songs I was singing and could not believe that he could fill in the words to every blank in every song I sang. I was completely in awe! It was weird to know that 1) he had this ability and I had NO idea. As far as I knew, the only song he kind of knew the words to was Row, Row, Row Your Boat and 2) to see first hand how much kids pick up when you don't really think they're intently listening. It's funny that he can't sing a song all the way through, but he can fill in the blanks. We look forward to hearing his sweet singing voice one day soon! In other news...we've been soaking up the last few days of summer. Last weekend Cade got a haircut, we had dinner at Chipotle and then went to Carvel for ice cream and on Saturday we went out to dinner with Ali, Austin, and Olivia. We don't have a whole lot of Luke news. He still spends most of his time sleeping!

Trainer Todd

The weekend before last Todd passed the test to become a certified personal trainer. He took a class for a few months and then spent weeks studying for what seemed like a very difficult test. He passed! We are SO proud of him and we're excited about the new opportunities his certification will bring - and we're also excited to have his time back each night now that he doesn't have to study! :) Way to go Todd! We love you!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Brotherly Love

One of the things I love about Cade is that he's very spirited. He's a bit of the rough and tumble type. He likes to throw things, bang things, run, jump, and dump things. He likes to scream very loudly and lately he's been into hitting - mainly mom, dad, and Cassius...we're working on it. So it came as a very pleasant surprise that he is incredibly sweet and caring when it comes to Luke. He gives him tons of kisses throughout the day (with his sweet little tongue poked out), brings him toys, and wants him to sit with him while he's playing. He rushes over to him when he cries and I've even seen him trying to pick him up a couple of times (and made a quick mental note to never leave them alone in the same room together). One of the best things about having Luke is watching Cade love him. I can't wait to see them grow up as the best of buddies!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

40 Weeks and 6 Days in the Making

Luke Canon Rogers was born on August 22nd at 10:19 PM. He weighed 8lbs, 6oz and was 21 inches long. We are so in love all over again! Labor was scheduled to be induced because my doctor didn't want the pregnancy to go too far past the due date. I was a little hesitant about inducing, but as soon as we got to the hospital and into our room labor began all on it's own which eased my hesitation a bit - although the doctor did speed things up a little. I was in labor for about 10 hours and the delivery was an easy one. Cade was such an easy baby and I was convinced that we couldn't get that lucky TWO times, but it turns out I was wrong! Luke is a very easy-going baby who doesn't cry too often and is pretty easy to read. We don't hear much from him unless he's hungry or we take too long to change his diaper. Otherwise, he's content to eat, sleep, and poop. I forgot how much newborns sleep and the insane number of diapers they go through in a day. While he's growing well and gained his birth weight back within a week, he's not nursing very well. He'll only eat for about 5-10 minutes at a feeding which means he's hungry every two hours equaling one very tired mommy. Hopefully this will get better as he gets a little less drowsy and his stomach grows a bit! He's a super sweet baby and loves to be held. He'd sleep all day on my chest if I'd let him. Cade took Luke's presence in stride and is super sweet to him, although he doesn't quite get that he needs to be still and calm around him. He's very concerned when he cries and he'll go and stand next to him and say "Baby, cry" he's trying to tell me I need to do something about it. He loves to touch him and give him kisses. He also likes to sit/lay next to the baby on his activity mat. Cade's been acting out a little bit (hitting us, telling us no, waking up a lot throughout the night, etc.), but I'm not sure if it's related to the changes to new baby has brought or not. Hopefully everything will smooth out for him soon as we all adjust to having two babies in the house. We are so blessed to have our healthy, happy, sweet baby Luke and we are excited to begin this adventure all over again!