Luke Canon Rogers was born on August 22nd at 10:19 PM. He weighed 8lbs, 6oz and was 21 inches long. We are so in love all over again! Labor was scheduled to be induced because my doctor didn't want the pregnancy to go too far past the due date. I was a little hesitant about inducing, but as soon as we got to the hospital and into our room labor began all on it's own which eased my hesitation a bit - although the doctor did speed things up a little. I was in labor for about 10 hours and the delivery was an easy one. Cade was such an easy baby and I was convinced that we couldn't get that lucky TWO times, but it turns out I was wrong! Luke is a very easy-going baby who doesn't cry too often and is pretty easy to read. We don't hear much from him unless he's hungry or we take too long to change his diaper. Otherwise, he's content to eat, sleep, and poop. I forgot how much newborns sleep and the insane number of diapers they go through in a day. While he's growing well and gained his birth weight back within a week, he's not nursing very well. He'll only eat for about 5-10 minutes at a feeding which means he's hungry every two hours equaling one very tired mommy. Hopefully this will get better as he gets a little less drowsy and his stomach grows a bit! He's a super sweet baby and loves to be held. He'd sleep all day on my chest if I'd let him. Cade took Luke's presence in stride and is super sweet to him, although he doesn't quite get that he needs to be still and calm around him. He's very concerned when he cries and he'll go and stand next to him and say "Baby, cry"...like he's trying to tell me I need to do something about it. He loves to touch him and give him kisses. He also likes to sit/lay next to the baby on his activity mat. Cade's been acting out a little bit (hitting us, telling us no, waking up a lot throughout the night, etc.), but I'm not sure if it's related to the changes to new baby has brought or not. Hopefully everything will smooth out for him soon as we all adjust to having two babies in the house. We are so blessed to have our healthy, happy, sweet baby Luke and we are excited to begin this adventure all over again!