Friday, September 27, 2013

1 Month Old

*Blogspot seems to be having some issues...the bullets aren't showing up as they should and it won't let me start new paragraphs...sorry for the cluttered entry! Sweet Little Luke, you are one month old! Your first month has gone by so quickly. We have loved getting to know you and you are the most perfect addition to our family. If we had to sum you in one word it would be SWEET! You are so stinkin' sweet! Here's a little more about you at one month: - You weigh 10lbs, 8.5 oz (63 %tile) - You are 22.25 inches long (66%tile) - Your head circumference is 15.25 (56%tile) - You wear size 3 months clothes and size 1 diapers - You eat every two hours. At night, you will give me at least one 3-4 hour stretch - usually between 11pm and 3am. - You are still sleeping a lot and you sleep best when someone is holding you. - You ball your little fists up next to your chin when you eat or suck your's so sweet. :) - You love to stretch and you make the same little stretchy faces that your brother used to make when he was your age. - You started smiling in response to our smiles a few days ago and nothing makes me melt more than a Lukey smile. - You are most laid back in the mornings. You get pretty fussy in the evenings, but I think that's normal. Lucky for mom and dad you're pretty consolable - even if it does require lots of bouncing, pacing, patting, and shushing. - You cry mostly because you're hungry or your tired and you can't get to sleep. - You like to spend most of your time in our arms. You're not a big fan of your swing, bouncy chair, or pack and play cradle. Maybe carrying you around all day will help mommy lose some of this baby weight! We love you Luke and we feel so blessed to be given the gift of raising you.

1 comment:

  1.'s catch up on blogs my comment is late, but I just have to say how sweet little Luke is in these pics! (even that last crying one!). Keep 'em coming...
