Sweet, sweet Luke you are 2 months old! You are truly the sweetest thing we could ever ask for! I'm not sure if you seem extra sugary sweet because your brother is quite spicy at the moment (it's nearly impossible to think that you, too, will one day be shouting "NO" and throwing epic tantrums - sigh), or if you are sincerely the sweete
st baby in the whole wide world! Probably a mix of both. You are growing so, so fast and I find myself just staring at you, squeezing you, smelling you...just trying to soak all of you up because it's flying by way too fast. Here are your 2 month stats: - You weight 12lbs, 13.5 oz - You are 23 inches long - You are wearing size 3-6 months clothes and size 2 diapers - You are eating about 4-5 oz. every three hours - You are sleeping about 6.5 hours in one stretch at night (YIPPEE!) - You LOVE to stretch and it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen! You throw your arms above your head and then bring the back of one open hand down to cover one eye. You grunt and stick out your tongue and bottom lip. SO PRECIOUS! - You are smiling more and more and will usually smile when we smile and talk to you. - You're becoming more social and you love to coo back and forth with Mommy! It's one of Mommy's favorite things to do with you, too! - You're a pretty content little guy and you don't cry too often. You get a little fussy at times, but you're usually easy to calm. You are loved more than you'll ever know!
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