Monday, April 7, 2014

7 Months Old

Sweet Lukey,

You are 7 months old!  Well...actually you're about 7.5 months old.  We've been super busy around here and I got behind.  Your little personality is more bubbly than ever and you get cuter and cuter by the day!
Here's a little more about you these days:

  • This isn't a check up month for you so I'm not sure of your height, but you seem very tall!  We went to the doctor today to get your ears checked (you keep rubbing them so I was worried you had an ear infection, but you don't) and you weighed 20lbs, 6oz.  
  • You wear size 12 month clothing.  
  • You eat 3 meals a day and nurse/take a bottle of breastmilk about 7 times a day.
  • You go to bed around 8 and wake up around 6:30 during the week.  You usually wake up once to eat - usually around 3AM.  You take two naps a day.  
  • You are still a super happy baby and are content most of the time.  You smile very easily and don't cry too often.  You will cry when you are hungry and sometimes when we change your diaper.  You are also starting to cry if we walk away - like you miss us and want us to come back!  
  • You are now somewhat mobile!  You roll all over the place and Daddy says that he's seen you scoot yourself belly-down, penguin-style, on the hardwood.  
  • You are a good eater and you at least tolerate everything we've given you so far.  Your favorites seem to be fruit, carrots, sweet potatoes, and peas.  You drink water with your meals.  
  • You have 3 teeth (on the bottom).  
  • You love your sippy cup, TV remotes, playing airplane, taking pictures, and things that surprise you.  
  • We love your happy disposition, the way you stick your tongue out, you chunky legs, your sweet laugh, to hear you talk

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