Painting with Uncle Taylor and Jade! |
Sunday, July 27, 2014
A couple of weeks ago we road-tripped it to KY to celebrate Todd's cousin's 40th birthday. Cade and Luke stayed with Grandmother and Granddaddy while Todd and I went to Louisville. While we were away, the boys checked out the Louisville zoo! It was nice to get away for the weekend! Wish we had gotten more pictures...
11 Months Old
Sweet Lukey are 11 months old! Here are your 11 month stats:
- You weigh 22lbs.
- You wear size 12-18 month clothing. You're wearing size 5 diapers and size 5 shoes.
- You eat 3 meals a day with a snack between lunch and dinner. You drink around 6 bottles a day of formula. You're still nursing at night.
- You have 8 teeth - 4 on top and 4 on bottom. I think I feel a molar coming in!
- You are close to walking! You walk all over the place while holding on to our fingers. You will let go of things and stand alone for a few seconds. You've even taken a couple of steps here and there! It won't be long.
- You are a SUPER FAST crawler!
- You are a happy little guy! Everyone at your new school talks about how happy you are. At least once a day someone there tells me that you smile all day long!
- You love to be with us and you enjoy being held. You have started giving kisses and occasionally you'll put your arms around my neck and squeeze when I ask for a hug...I'm not positive that it's anything more than coincidence at this point. :) Either's so great to get a hug from you!
- You are very vocal and talk a lot! You were saying "uh-oh", but I haven't heard that in a while. Now you say "all done"...usually at the end of the meal. It doesn't sound at all like it should, but we know what you're saying!
- You like to eat and you do so very well, most of the time anyway. Your favorite foods include: pasta, chicken, ground turkey, peaches, bread, salmon, pureed fruit, and cheese.
- You're not the greatest sleeper. This has been hard on me, I must admit. Rarely do you sleep the whole night through. You usually wake up around 12AM. Often you wake up again around 3AM. It's been rough, but I just know a breakthrough is right around the corner!
- You love: to bang things together, to play in water, to horse around with Cade, the big red car, sippy cups, eating, anything Cade has, getting into the dishwasher and the refrigerator, Cassius.
- We love: your curls, to hear you talk, your laugh, your sweet smell, watching you crawl around, your happy disposition.
- You don't love: getting your diaper changed, having your teeth brushed, when Cade takes something from you, when Cade gets something that you don't get to have.
- You're on the receiving end of at least 100 kisses a day! We love you sweet Lukey!
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Last week we went to the aquarium with Ali, Jeff, Olivia, Isabelle, Carrie, Carrie's mother in law, Daniel and Caroline. We had a great time, but it was PACKED and it was definitely a bit chaotic trying to keep up with both boys. I was so thankful that Ali and Carrie both brought extra helping hands! I can't wait to go back when the boys get a little older and are able to appreciate it a little more.
Unfortunately, taking pictures took a back seat to keeping up with C & L so these are the only ones I got.
Unfortunately, taking pictures took a back seat to keeping up with C & L so these are the only ones I got.
10 Months Old
Sweet Lukey are 10 months old!! Two months shy of your first birthday and I truly CAN NOT believe it!! Your 9th month was an interesting one - with lots of fussing and not enough eating or sleeping. Around your 10 month mark you became your old self again (THANK YOU JESUS) and for the past week or so you've been sleeping and eating much better and your sweet, happy demeanor is back...woohoo!
Here's a little more about you at 10 months:
- You probably weigh around's not a check up month.
- You wear size 12-18 month clothing and you're wearing size 5 diapers (so you and Cade can're really a size 4).
- You eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner and take a bottle or nurse 4-5 times a day. You eat almost everything we eat. Your favorites are pasta, mashed potatoes, chicken, ground turkey, and toast. You're a pretty good eater most of the time, BUT when you are done are DONE eating. You stop eating and then scream and cry until we get you out of your high chair.
- You've been sleeping a little better, but you still wake up once a night...though you've blessed Mommy a few times and slept all the way through. Today you slept until 9AM....9AM!!!!!!
- You are pulling up on everything and cruising all around the furniture. You like to explore the house, but you prefer to be with us. You like to be held as we work around the house.
- You started waving this week and I think you can say a couple of words! I'm a little confused, as I was with Cade's first words, about whether or not you are actually saying something or not. I think you can say "Uh-oh". When you drop your cup while eating (which you do often - you think it's funny to watch me pick it up over and over and over and over), you definitely say "Uh-Uh" every time.
- You love: Cade, anything that Cade is playing with, being held, being in your walker, the dishwasher, the refrigerator, your sippy cup, when I sing to you, and Cassius.
- You don't love: having your diaper or clothing changed (there is NOTHING more difficult that changing your diaper. Sometimes it feels like you and I are in an all out wresting match.) I take that back, one thing more difficult than changing your diaper is brushing your teeth. I think you dislike that even more.
- We love: your "scrunchy face", your smiles, your bashful look when strangers talk to you, and hearing you talk.
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