Sweet Lukey Bear...you are 11 months old! Here are your 11 month stats:
- You weigh 22lbs.
- You wear size 12-18 month clothing. You're wearing size 5 diapers and size 5 shoes.
- You eat 3 meals a day with a snack between lunch and dinner. You drink around 6 bottles a day of formula. You're still nursing at night.
- You have 8 teeth - 4 on top and 4 on bottom. I think I feel a molar coming in!
- You are close to walking! You walk all over the place while holding on to our fingers. You will let go of things and stand alone for a few seconds. You've even taken a couple of steps here and there! It won't be long.
- You are a SUPER FAST crawler!
- You are a happy little guy! Everyone at your new school talks about how happy you are. At least once a day someone there tells me that you smile all day long!
- You love to be with us and you enjoy being held. You have started giving kisses and occasionally you'll put your arms around my neck and squeeze when I ask for a hug...I'm not positive that it's anything more than coincidence at this point. :) Either way...it's so great to get a hug from you!
- You are very vocal and talk a lot! You were saying "uh-oh", but I haven't heard that in a while. Now you say "all done"...usually at the end of the meal. It doesn't sound at all like it should, but we know what you're saying!
- You like to eat and you do so very well, most of the time anyway. Your favorite foods include: pasta, chicken, ground turkey, peaches, bread, salmon, pureed fruit, and cheese.
- You're not the greatest sleeper. This has been hard on me, I must admit. Rarely do you sleep the whole night through. You usually wake up around 12AM. Often you wake up again around 3AM. It's been rough, but I just know a breakthrough is right around the corner!
- You love: to bang things together, to play in water, to horse around with Cade, the big red car, sippy cups, eating, anything Cade has, getting into the dishwasher and the refrigerator, Cassius.
- We love: your curls, to hear you talk, your laugh, your sweet smell, watching you crawl around, your happy disposition.
- You don't love: getting your diaper changed, having your teeth brushed, when Cade takes something from you, when Cade gets something that you don't get to have.
- You're on the receiving end of at least 100 kisses a day! We love you sweet Lukey!
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