Thursday, June 4, 2015

21 Months Old

Sweet Lukey Bear,
You are 21 months old!  You are full of energy, curiosity, and humor.  You are incredibly independent and still a little shy.  At home, you will play alone for long periods of time and very rarely asked to be picked up or held, but when we are out in public you can be a little clingy - especially around loud noises (like in public restrooms) and like to be held.  You have the sweetest smile and an adorable laugh.  You also have the most precious little voice, which we hear often at home - you talk A LOT!  Speaking of talking, you speak very, very well and we can hold a conversation with you most of the time...but you don't always listen and have definitely developed selective hearing!  :)  Here's a little more about you at 21 months:

  • First off - here are your 18 month stats - you weighed 25.5 (32%tile), you were 33.75 inches tall (71%tile) and you HC was 19.75 (93%tile).
  • At 21 months, you are quite a picky eater!  There are many meals when you don't eat anything at all.  Your favorite foods include waffles, apples, toast, muffins, chicken noodle soup, mac & cheese...ahh, can't really think of much else that you will regularly eat!  You have a serious sweet tooth and ask for "tweats" (treats) often and you LOVE, LOVE, LOVE milk!  You wake up asking for it and ask for it several times a day.  
  • You sleep very well!  For naptime and bed time we read you a few books and then you ask to go night-night.  We put you in your crib and usually don't hear from you until it's time to get up.  You take one 2-2.5 hour nap a day.
  • I'm convinced you will be a swimmer one LOVE playing in water - any kind of water - bath water, puddles, sinks, water hoses, cups of water, the water table.  
  • You speak very well - usually in full sentences.  You repeat everything you hear!
  • You love to sing!  You sing to yourself in the car a lot.  Your favorites include Rain, Rain Go Away, ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Wheels on the Bus.  It's SOOO sweet!
  • You know your basic colors and shapes, you can sing your ABCs, you can count to 10, you know most of your body parts, animals and their sounds.  You're one smart cookie!
  • You are very funny and have a quick sense of humor.  For instance, the other day I was singing Muffin Man to stopped me and said, "No Mommy...sing Donut Man" and then started singing the same song with Donut Man in place of Muffin Man...then you moved on the "Poopy Diaper Man".  Last night you, Cade, and Daddy were telling knock-knock jokes at dinner.  Daddy had told a knock knock joke about water melon (who's there..water, water who..watermelon).  Then you told the same joke..(who's there..water...water who...WATER TABLE).  You thought you were so funny and laughed and laughed.
  • You LOVE your brother and copy his every move most of the time.  You are the quintessential little brother.  You love to snatch things from his hands and take off running and giggling while he yells angrily after you.  I laugh (in private, or course) every time!  
  • You H-A-T-E getting your teeth brushed and give us the most ridiculous fight EVERY TIME! You currently have 16 teeth.  
  • You love to run, climb, and jump and you are FEARLESS!  
We love you sooooooooooooo very much sweet Lukey!!

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