Monday, June 2, 2014

9 Months Old

Sweet Lukey Bear,

You are 9 months old!  You have changed SO very much this last month and it has been so fun to watch.  You've gone through a bit of a jekyl and hyde transformation.  At first, we watched you blossom into the happiest, smiliest, easiest baby ever.  And then over the last week or so you've done a complete 180.  I have no idea what's up, but I'm hoping it passes soon!
  • You weigh 20lbs, 11oz (50%tile).  You are 29.5 inches tall (84%tile) and your head circumference is 18 inches (61%tile).
  • You wear size 12 month/18 month clothing and size 4 diapers.
  • You have 8 teeth - 4 on top, 4 on bottom.
  • You are still the sweetest little thing.  It's nearly impossible to look at you without smiling. 
  • You are a happy baby and smile easily.  When you get really excited you kick your legs and happy scream.  It's the cutest! 
  • You are very curious and you love to play and explore.  Your favorite toys are a set of nesting cups, a ball bouncer, your walker and anything that Cade is playing with.  You also love my phone and TV remotes. 
  • You like to be where everyone else is.  If I try to sit you in the play area while I cook dinner, you scoot your way into the kitchen to find me.  If we're in a different room from you, you will come find us every time! 
  • You are crazy active.  There are few things more difficult than trying to change your diaper. 
  • You used to be a great eater, but not so much anymore.  You fuss every time we try to feed you baby food, but you LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to feed yourself!  Your favorites include Cheerios, yogurt melts, toast, and fruit puffs.  You also love to drink water from your sippy cup.  You still nurse several times a day and sometimes you take a bottle or two of formula.
  • You aren't the best sleeper right now.  Lately you've been waking up 2-3 times a night, but I just know that's all about to change!
  • You like to be long as whomever is holding you is standing up. 
  • You've started to show signs of stranger anxiety.  You will cry if we're around people you don't know well. 
  • You love:  pulling up/standing up, playing Peek a Boo, knocking things down (if we build a tower with like to knock it down, for instance), playing with a sheet or a parachute (when we pull it up and down over you). 
  • We love:  your happy squeal, your smile, hearing you talk, watching you grow and change, the way you smell.

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