Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Two and a Half

My sweet Cade,

You are two and a half years old!  I'm a little emotional while writing this post.  I'm not quite sure why.  Maybe it's because tonight we played a CD called The Night, Night Song that we used to listen to every night while I rocked you to sleep as a baby.  You had the sweetest reaction when you heard it.  You crawled into my lap and asked me to rock you.  You became very quiet and somber (the exact opposite of how you usually are while we prepare to take a bath on most nights) and you looked up at me in the most loving way.  I know it's crazy to think that hearing the CD brought back memories to you of your babyhood, but it sure seemed like it!  I reflected on how quickly you've grown and how YOU, this boisterous, loud, energetic, perfect little 2 year old used to be my sweet baby boy.  You have grown into the happiest, smartest, cutest little guy and I could not be more proud of the person you are becoming.  Here's a little more about you at 2.5 years old:
  • You weigh 30lbs (56%tile), you are 38.5 inches tall (93%tile) and your head circumference is (84%tile). 
  • You wear 2T-3T size clothing and size 7 shoe. 
  • You wake up so very happy!  You smile so big.  Then you reach down and gather up all of your bed stuff (pillow, blanket, and Snuggle Bear) and say that you want to climb into Mommy and Daddy's bed and "watch a little TV". 
  • Snuggle Bear is your roll dog.  You take him everywhere and you love him so much! 
  • Your favorite TV shows are Bubble Guppies and PAW Patrol.  You also like Chuggington and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  I'm sad to say this, but your favorite thing to do is watch TV.  You ask to do it several times a day...BUT don't worry...I limit you to no more than an hour or so of TV time a day.  Left to your own devices, I believe you might sit on the couch and watch it ALL DAY!
  • You love to play with toy trucks (particularly fire trucks) and trains.  You also love to ride around on/in "cars".  You have two of them.  Your favorite is a Mickey Mouse car that you got for your 1st birthday. 
  • You love, love, love to read (and this makes Mommy very happy). 
  • Your favorite foods are pasta and pizza.  You are still a great eater, but getting you to eat vegetables is quite difficult.  I usually have to hide them in your food to get you to eat them. 
  • While you are a happy little guy, you become frustrated and upset easily (like any time that you don't get your way - you scream and cry).  You will usually calm back down pretty quickly, but man your scream is like nails on a chalkboard!
  • You are so funny and say the cutest things ever.  Sometimes I get so tickled at what you're saying that I laugh and you do NOT like that.  You get really upset if you think I'm laughing at you. 
  • You are very helpful.  You like to help me do anything and everything that I'm doing - laundry, cooking, sweeping, cleaning up toys. 
  • You seem very social and like to be with your friends.  You also love attention (especially mine) and want all of the attention all of the time!  :) 
  • You are a great big brother.  You can be very jealous of Lukey at times, but overall, you are so sweet to him.  Tonight Luke was crying and I was in the other room taking care of something.  When I came back in, you were sitting right next to him with your arm around him telling him it was going to be okay. 
I feel sad ending here because I know I haven't captured even a fraction of what you're really like at this age, but hopefully when we look back on this we'll remember how amazingly entertaining, loving, funny, happy, smart, and just a smidge frustrating you were back then!  :)

Here you are with Snuggle and a fire truck.  You like to carry trucks around with you too. 

You insisted that we take some pictures with only your diaper we could "see your BIG belly".  :)

Love this face!  "Mommy, you smell sumpin'?"

You love wearing hats.  And here's one of your favorite books!

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