Sweet, sweet Lukey Bear....YOU ARE ONE YEAR OLD!!! You spent your first birthday with your friends at school. You guys had cupcakes and you got lots of extra love! At home, we had a family birthday party. You LOVED your birthday cake and opening your presents! You got a train, a super-cool trike, and a ride-on tractor toy.
There is so much I want to capture about you at one year! It's impossible to perfectly sum you up with words, but I'll do my best!
- You weigh right around 22lbs. We haven't had your 1 year check-up yet so we'll come back with weight and height.
- You wear size 18 mo. clothes, size 5 diapers, and size 5 shoes.
- You drink 5 bottles of milk (with 2 oz of formula) and eat 3 meals plus snacks each day.
- You have 8 teeth - 4 on top, 4 on bottom.
- You're sleeping better! Some nights you sleep all the way through, but usually you wake up once.
- Your favorite foods are chicken, ground turkey, salmon, mashed potatoes, bread, cheese, yogurt, squeezy pouches, and Goldfish. You eat very well and aren't too picky.
- You've been walking for about 3-4 weeks now and you are FEARLESS!! You climb everything! You will climb on top of boxes, stools, stairs, slides...if it can be climbed, you will climb it...always keeping us on our toes!
- You are FULL STEAM AHEAD!! You have tons of energy and you are quick, quick, quick! You won't let anything hold you back. If we try to stop you in your tracks, you protest with screams and cries. You aren't afraid of anything (so far) and you will go after anything and everything you want. There's no stopping you! You are, without a doubt, going to give us a run for our money.
- Your personality right now is bold and independent. You get a little clingy at times (particularly when we first get home in the evenings) and you still like to be held, but you are happy to explore on your own.
- You're a happy, smiley little guy!! Your teachers at school describe you as the happiest, smiliest baby ever...they love you and you love them! You give your teacher, Ms. Kathy, the sweetest hug every morning.
- You are very, very chatty! You can say: mama, daddy, uh-oh, more. I've heard you say Cade (or some variation), all done, whoa, and bye, ball, but you don't say these words often. You will repeat some words that we ask you to say. You happy scream a lot when we're in public...sometimes it's really loud and non-stop! Thankfully, most people just smile.
- Your favorite things are playing in the bath, eating, walking around and exploring, giggling with Cade, being outside, throwing a ball and going after it.
- Things you do NOT like are getting your diaper or clothes changed, having your teeth brushed (our greatest struggle), Cade taking something from you, not getting what you want, being put down after being held for a while.
I've somehow gotten behind on comments...but just had to comment on Lukey's darling one year pictures!! He's grown so big, so quickly...I feel like he was just born...he's precious and I must get some Luke hugs soon!!