Saturday, September 13, 2014

Perfectly Sweet

The other day I watched a sappy Facebook video from a mother whose children were grown.  She gave a very touching speech about how desperately she missed the days when her kids were young...the days that seem so exhausting, overwhelming, never-ending when you're in the trenches living it every day.  She talked a lot about how the days she missed the most were the days that seem the hardest to me - those that have no agenda.  No where to be, no outing planned.  The days spent around the house doing ordinary things.  So far this weekend we've been lazy homebodies and I can't stop thinking about this lady's message.  I truly can't imagine a Saturday when our two boys don't crawl into bed with us upon waking and beg to watch TV, or making pancakes without Cade sitting on the counter begging for a taste.  Without hearing Lukey's little bare feet pitter patter around in pursuit of Cade...or grocery shopping without Luke biting into tomatoes through the bag and Cade singing "I've Been Working on the Railroad" from the car on the front of the cart to anyone who will listen.  Days without snacks, sticky hands, bedtime stories, toys EVERYWHERE.  UGH!!...  I can't even bear the thought.  As much as I try to soak up every minute, time seems to be slipping through my fingers at an alarming rate.  I just pray that EVERY stage in their lives is as perfectly sweet as this one. 

1 comment:

  1. As Gretchen Rubin so wisely said "the days are long, but the years are short". I don't know which FB video you watched, but this one is a treasure too:
