Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

This week Todd and I celebrated our first anniversary.  We decided to make a nice dinner and stay at home with Cade.  Todd spoiled me with delicious chocolates, a new pair of shoes and the sweetest card ever. 

We are so blessed to have each other and couldn't be more happy that our first year of marriage brought with it the perfect addition to our family.  I've always heard that the first year is the hardest.  I don't know if there's any truth to that, but we both agreed that it wasn't hard at all!  Maybe that's because we had 7 years of practice before getting married. :) 

On another note, I went through ALL of the pictures on our camera to find one...just ONE picture of Todd and me to put on this blog and I couldn't.  Cade is the star of every single picture we've taken in the last few months.  This can't be healthy, can it? 


  1. Happy Anniversary! Hope it was great! Love you all!

  2. Happy Anniversary!! We'll be sure to take lots of family pics at the beach this summer so your blog won't be "groupless"...
