Today you are 5 months old. I feel like I say this every month, but I cannot believe it! This is the first "month birthday" that makes you sound like a big boy. Two months, 3 months, 4 months all sounded like an itty bitty baby, but 5 months sounds like a big ole' baby! :) And a big ole' baby you are!
Here is more about you at 5 months:
- You weigh 18 pounds (according to our bathroom scale).
- You wear 9-12 month clothing and size 3 diapers.
- You eat three 5 ounce bottles and nurse 4 times a day. You also eat about two tablespoons of rice cereal each evening. You are still eating breastmilk only. No formula just yet.
- You go to bed around 8:00 each night. You're still a good sleeper, though you've become somewhat inconsistent. You will sleep anywhere from 4.5 - 8 hours a night. Average is about 7 hours straight, wake up to nurse and then back down for about 3 more hours. You still spend most of your sleep time in your basinet.
- You are taking about three naps a day.
- You're still a very happy baby and very rarely cry, but you will get a little fussy a few times a day - usually when you're sleepy or when we try to lay with you in the bed or on the couch. You don't really like to cuddle.
- You smile a lot! You will smile at anyone that talks to you. You have a beautiful smile. Strangers comment on it all the time - they say your smile lights up a room, and it does! :)
- You can raise your head and shoulders up during tummy time.
- You have rolled over a few times, but you don't do it frequently or on purpose just yet.
- You can sit up for a few seconds, but topple over fairly quickly.
- You love to jump!
- Some days you are very vocal and will all out scream while "talking" to us. Other days you're pretty quiet.
- You love to play airplane with Mommy! You also love whem Mommy sings to you. Your favorite song is Old McDonald...or our version, Old McCaden. :) You will stop fussing and smile at me with big eyes when I sing it.
- You're very good with your hands! You can pick up just about anything you want and you reach for everything! And everything you pick up goes right in your mouth.
- You are a super smart, incredibly adorable, overwhelmingly lovable baby and you make us so happy! We love you!
This is going to sound weird, but the most amazing part of this update is thinking about how you've kept this baby alive with what's being made from your own body!! Isn't that amazing!?!? Love that little cutie.