- Cade had vaccinations on Thursday. Maybe these threw him off???
- I'm on an antibiotic. Perhaps this is causing him some tummy discomfort?
- Unfortunately, his new normal is day care during the week. Maybe his world has been turned upside down because he's at home with me this week as opposed to day care with Ms. Debbie???
- He's going through a growth spurt and is hungry and I've missed his hunger cues.
- And my number one theory - He's not getting enough sleep. I have an uneasy feeling that he's been sleeping in a swing at day care. I'm afraid he's become reliant on it to fall asleep. Unfortunately, our home schedule is all off since I've gone back to work. His eating, playing, sleeping rotation used to run like clockwork. That hasn't been the case since I've been back to work. If I can catch him right when he gets sleepy, I can rock him and he'll fall to sleep. BUT if I miss the ten minute window when he first gets sleepy, he gets too worked up, can't get to sleep and you know what hits the fan.
And one more piece of interesting information for my clue book - Cade is making strange sounds. I know, it's weird, right? He used to be very vocal and would all out scream and squeal with happiness throughout the day. Now he's not opening his mouth and is making closed-mouth noises and puttering his lips. Is his vocabulary growing? Or is all of this related to the crying? Teeth are not coming in that I can tell. I checked thoroughly.
Maybe I'll crack the code. Maybe I won't. Either way, I hope this will pass very soon. Poor Baby Cade! And poor Mommy too! :)
Oh no, poor mommy is right. Cade won't remember this, but mommy sure will. I wish I could solve the mystery for you. I'm sure Cade will be back to his old self soon. Call me if you need me!